Tuesday 26 January 2010

Welcome to the blog!

We welcome you and thank you for visiting this website.
This blog's purpose is to create awareness of  the s3 Labour party campaign, as the whole school will have to vote for one of the four parties and we want to influence you to make the best decision , which we believe is the Labour party.

This will be the main source of information for all our campaigns.

We will update this blog with news on what we are doing , how we are doing it , and how you can get involved

The current group consists of four members.
This being:
Fraser Lloyd : Candidate for the election
Thomas Kerr : Content Manager
Oliver Barker : Internet Relations
Callum Paterson : Public Relations.

If you have any questions on any of these future posts, Please feel free to comment , or to ask our manager of Public Relations , Master C. Paterson.

First Post!